Shout At The Funny-Looking Man Corner

When people ask me what I "do", I sometimes reply that I collect unsolicited remarks from strangers in the street.

The most common comparisons are "OY! Andy Warhol!". Or "OY! Gentlemen Prefer Blondes!". Once it was "OY! Kim Novak in 'Bell Book and Candle!' ". That last remark was from an aging American gay man, needless to say.

It all depends on what culture they've been exposed to, and how old they are. Sometimes the commentators may only know of one famous man with bleached hair, even if I couldn't be less like him in other respects if I tried. Yesterday I got this response to my appearance from some schoolgirls in Archway:

"(shrieks) Look at him! Ewww! EMINEM WANNABE!"
